This is the text to an email that went to the family email list and will also be posted on Facebook. NOTE: it is posted using the quick and easy blogging from the front page of the website. No techie stuff needed. Continue reading
This is YOUR website, you Clingman-Jones folks — read on
(originally posted July 15, 2005 — and everything in that post is still true in 2017)
The site is new. I hope that everyone will try out all the features, poke around, let your fingers and mouse do some walking and give me feedback on places you have problems or questions, ask for help, make suggestions, mention what you like, etc. Continue reading
Contributions via Checks
Claude Lanier Jones 1872–1954
Handwritten Thoughts 100th Reunion
Reunions then and now
Updates to the website
Strawn Mountain’s Plane Crash
Two Weeks at Labor Day
Rain and shine. This nice — now almost two weeks’ — stay has been some of each. I arrived on August 29 and it rained sporadically for days and sometimes with a great flourish of heavy rain, thunder and lightning. Since the weekend of the virtual family annual meeting (Sept 5) the weather has been gorgeous with highs in the upper 80’s and 60’s at night.
Continue reading