Family and church in the Valley

(originally posted July 1,2007)

After a lazy wake-up, I suppose due mainly to the wonderful rain and gentle storm during the night, Bailiff and I took a stroll down the road to the highway. Nose to the ground and traversing the road from side-to-side, Bailiff owned the world for that 20 minute walk. As a house and yard dog she has revelled in the freedom granted by the open spaces punctuated by about 100 people ever-ready to pet and render attention to her. This is the proper environment for this 60-pound bundle of activity. Continue reading

Another reunion under my/our belt

(originally posted July 8,2007)  NOTE: photo links are not working. Will fix

One head count indicated around 90 in attendance, not sure anyone got the exact count. There were a lot more 20/30 somethings this year and more kiddos — that’s great! The food was really good thanks to Karen and Robert Atkinson’s organization, the grounds were in super shape due to Larry Braswell’s oversight and added personal labor on the mower, the records were in order from Treasurer Milton Cameron and Secretary Mike White, [G2:1436 class=g2image_float_left] and the Sunday service was fulfilling under Johnny Cameron’s leadership. I know I’ve left out some people who played a big part in the reunion …. Continue reading